
Age 29, Male

Joined on 8/13/07

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saltovergray's News

Posted by saltovergray - July 1st, 2013

Well, it's been a while since I made a news post. Many things have happened.

I broke up with my girlfriend at the end of May, much to my relief. Things weren't going to get better, and only got worse. School got out, and I've been on summer vacation for some time.

Today, I got my license, after nearly failing the test (damn parallel parking) but since I displayed "safe driver characteristics" i was able to make up for that. So, while I may not be able to parallel park, I am now a licensed driver in the state of Massachusetts. Hooray? Sure.

I've been reading a lot lately. What with all my free time, I've got to occupy it with something? Well, actually, that paints an incorrect picture. I have many hobbies, and reading is definitely one of them. Really, I guess what was more accurate to say is that without school, I have much more time to read. So, that's a positive thing.

Beyond that, I don't think much else happened. So maybe I lied when I said a lot happened. Unknowingly lied, that is.

That's all for now.

July, ah July

Posted by saltovergray - May 6th, 2013

I don't know how many of you know this, but May is my favorite month of the year. So many great things happen in May, the weather is perfect, and it's when the school year truly starts to wind down. What do you guys think of May?

I went to my wunt's wedding on Star Wars day, and ate and celebrated, perhaps a bit too much because currently I'm feeling ill constantly. Must've been all the french toast I had for breakfast and the candy from the candy buffet. I should have learned my lesson from years past and realized "hey, eating all that is a bad idea, you'll feel like shit for many days" And yet, as I sit typing this, I'm slowly but surely eating a bowl of Cream of Wheat while sipping on water. Hopefully I'll be well in a few days time.

But more on topic, May is a great month. I've got my junior prom this Friday, and in all honesty I'm not all too excited. I like wearing a tuxedo, as I always love dressing up, but nothing more. I wouldn't even be going if it weren't for my girlfriend who's into all sorts of formal events and typical high school girl things.

In the past year or so I've been trying to better myself both mentally and socially, but I feel I've ignored my physical form for far too long. I've decided to change my diet from being in the two extremes it is right now (either eating hardly anything, or eating a ton of carbs depending on the day) to something that will benefit me more. I could always exercise a bit, nothing too excessive. Besides, with diabetes running in the family, I don't want to develop it.

Still no job, but I'll get around to it eventually. That will probably be a later step in my self-betterment program. A huge step, but a step nonetheless.

I don't know if I have anything else to say. For now, that will be all.

Posted by saltovergray - January 1st, 2013

Hey guys.

So it's 2013. Nothing too special about that, I guess. Except maybe now I can say "i graduate NEXT YEAR" which is a bit odd to think about. It brings me to the fact that I've been on Newgrounds since I started middle school. Yikes. That's a long time.

But what else is new? Well, my birthday is in 18 days. I will be turning 17. Still no job, and my parents have let me know of that, quite a bit. I dunno. I feel like it's the right thing to do, but also I don't want to waste away at some job. I'm pretty content with my life as is. Granted I'm not "making any income" (in my mother's words) but it's not like I utilize more than the average person of our utilities, and whatnot. Granted, I should have some money coming in, I guess. I always save my money though, so it's not like I'm spending it all on ridiculous things. Wow, this paragraph has a lot of teen angst in it. Yuck.

Anyways, New Years Resolutions. I made one, which is different because I normally don't. What is it, you may be wondering? Well, it's to be more productive. Although it's not that big of a deal, because in recent months I have been more productive. I guess I'm just using the whole "resolution" to further emphasize that I should be getting things done.

I don't know what else to write at this time.

Posted by saltovergray - November 22nd, 2012

Hey guys and gals.

Here's a new post, about nothing in particular. I'll just be saying what comes to mind. As always.

So it's Thanksgiving, and I don't really like it. I never have, that is. Those of you who know me know I don't eat meat, but that's not why I don't like Thanksgiving. It's just, I don't know. I used to go down to see my family in CT as a kid, and we used to stay in hotels and my family had dogs (this was back when I had a fear of dogs) so that might be it. I still hate hotels though, so that part of it hasn't changed. We stay at home now, so I guess it's not as bad as it used to be. But since it's such a short, uneventful (in my opinion) holiday, it feels like a waste. I did go for a walk today, though, and i enjoyed that greatly. No cars, for the most part. I saw one here and there, but beyond that the road was empty. I saw quite a few animals about too. Odd, normally they are not so present. I guess it had to do with the warmth. It was in the 50s. Sunny, too. So nice.

And of course, with Thanksgiving comes Christmas. Which never really brings me all that much joy either. I guess I don't really enjoy any holidays as much anymore. Oh well. I guess i'm looking forward to Christmas. No school for a period of time, which is good. Even now, though, with a few days off, I've got quite a bit of schoolwork to attend to. I should get started on that. Ugh. Oh well.

For now, that's all I have to say.

Posted by saltovergray - September 23rd, 2012

Hey guys. As always, it's been a while since I last created a news post. It's been a whole summer, actually. And quite a bit has happened.

To start with the good, I did a lot of fun things. I hung out with friends a lot and did a lot of silly stuff with them. In August I went to NYC with my aunt and got to see the Space Shuttle Enterprise on the aircraft carrier Intrepid. that was really fun. While the Enterprise didn't go into space, it was the earliest functioning prototype of the Space Shuttle. Named after, you guessed it, the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek. Early on in the prototype's history, Star Trek fans petitioned for it to be named after the Enterprise. Somewhere like 400,000 Trekkies? It's a funny story I think.

I also took Driver's Ed which was meh. But then something terrible happened. If any of you talk to me in chat, you probably heard me mention that my cat, Mario died. His brother, Luigi, was alone for a few weeks, but then we got a new kitten. His name? Ganondorf. He's a rambunctious little fella, as most kittens are. There is some tension between the two of them, but they are slowly starting to get used to one another. Always a good sign.

And of course, I started my Junior year. So far, it's good. Getting on top of assignments early on, making that my goal this year. I'm living up to it, and it's paying off by slowly curbing my procrastinating ways. Easy stuff, work wise. Hard to believe that I'm almost done with mandatory education. I do intend to go to college, but I haven't even thought about that yet. Apparently, I should be thinking about that sort of stuff. I don't know.

That's what i've been up to since the last update. you guys can certainly find me in the NG Chat, as I am there relatively often.

Anyways, music and image time. Hope you guys like them!

Posted by saltovergray - May 28th, 2012

I was kind of sick of seeing my post regarding me being ill (haha, that's punny). So, what do i do? i make a new post.

So E3 is soon, and I am VERY excited for that. As anybody who knows me knows, I'm looking forward to the Nintendo conference most of all. Zelda 3DS (YES), Zelda Wii U(YES), Pikmin 3(YES YES YES YES) and more. The Ubisoft conference should be good too (AC3 coverage, yay). So, what are you guys looking forward to?

In other news, it's almost the end of school. Fun stuff. Got any summer plans? I don't, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless. I don't really like going on vacations. Just sort of "meh" to me.

I've got a number of projects to work on. And by that I mean I have big dreams. Want to know how big? Check out this blog I made. Tumblr, I know, but whatever works. I'll be updating it frequently. Want to watch me fail/succeed at my plots? Check it out!


So yeah, there's some fancy music for you. I don't know what else to add to this post ATM. But as always, I'll probably edit it later.

Happy Shark Week guys! Here's me with my Atlantic Sharpnose fetus!

Posted by saltovergray - December 26th, 2011

So I was looking through all my old news posts from the last time I deleted them all. I didn't realize how far back it went, and how much I've changed.

in other news, I'm sick. Some sort of digestion bug. Which isn't good because I have severe emetophobia following when I got extremely sick nearly two years ago. My stomach hasn't been the same since. Luckily, I haven't vomited, it's all just coming out the south end. What a horrible Christmas with this occurring. But still, I worry. Ever since that incident two years ago, I've been very cautious and borderline superstitious about anything and everything. I hope that this will be over soon and I'll be back to my normal self soon enough.

Also, i lied about my last post being the post I constantly edit, instead, THIS post will be the one I edit. WHat a plot twist, no?

Anyways, I'm on edge lately and everything is bugging me. Somebody comfort me. Picture included as always.

EDIT: Skyward Sword is pissing me off. I need the Hylian shield, but it's fucking impossible to get it. And on top of that, I NEED that shield in order to beat Demise, since I can't do it without.

EDIT: I beat Skyward Sword. Last night I had a panic attack about death, and today I'm having a panic attack about what if the world is my imagination. Help. :(

New New News Post

Posted by saltovergray - November 22nd, 2011

So here's another News Post. Comment on it so we have something to talk about, I guess.

Maybe I'll turn into one of those users with one news post that they edit and use for everything.


News Post craze

Posted by saltovergray - November 21st, 2011

And it's amazing. Shame too, I couldn't play at all today. :( I had to study for a Spanish presentation which is really pissing me off.

Anybody got any good ways to memorize about 20 lines of Spanish really fast? I'm completely fucked if I don't.

More Skyward Sword stuff when I'm done with this damn presentation.

Posted by saltovergray - November 1st, 2011

About damn time. 4 years late after snatching up this name on NG, but I finally made my account using this title at CC.

Also, heres a list of all my Internet alias' so you can contact me if you wish:

SaltshakerClock and all variations of.
Scooter & ScootBootRoot and all variations of. (ScootBoot, BootScoot, etc)
ScottBot and variations of. (Scott-Bot, Scott_Bot etc)
OverLoad and all variations of.
MrGrayDay and variations of. (ex. Gray, GrayDay, MrGray)

So this not only serves as a reference for me, but all of you can find in other sites as well. :)