Hey guys. It's been a while since I made a newspost. It's really strange. I remember back when I was a young lad on NG making a newspost literally 4 or 5 times a day. Now I make a news post every few months. Not so strange, since I have gotten 7 years older. Just weird to think that 7 years have gone by. But then again it's not weird.
Anywho. School is winding down, and I'll be graduating in the beginning of June (June 3rd, mark your calendars), and then I will be off to college in the fall (University of Massachusetts Amherst, for those of you familiar with it). Am I excited? I guess. Not nearly as some other people are for going away to school. The way I see it, it's whatever, you know? Just the next step. It'll be fun I'm sure, but I'm not getting extremely giddy or anything.
Here's an odd phenomena I notice happening in my life. It'll be sunset or twilight of a sunny day, and I'll get this immense feeling of dread, of the end being nigh. Not necessarily the end of my life in a literal sense, but just the sense that I've spent all my time up, and now look it's all over and I've done nothing. I know it's not true, and there are points in my life I remember it happening and there was a hell of a lot of life directly after that. It's bad in the short term, and makes me feel really shitty. But in the end, I guess it's good because I can look back and see how crazy it is.
I just realized, I look way better in a long sleeved shirt than I do a regular short sleeve shirt. It's a shame, the warm season is coming up (which I love for every reason except this one, and insects), which means I'll return to short sleeve shirts. Maybe I just have to pick my wardrobe better. I'll have to keep that in mind.
That is all I can think of for now.
Music time. I haven't done this before, but I'm going to put a few songs here for you to listen to if you wish. I hope that's alright. And i hope that this works. Maybe I'll add more later. Two is good for now.
Picture time. I know I know, this really is something of a newspost. Isn't it? I'm getting a bit excited adding all this stuff. Nobody will see it but me, but at least I'm making it look nice. I've seen this sculpture in person before. It's neat.
i was there when laura ford began sculpting small turtle shells @cooper union
shes nice but sometimes she doesnt shutup and it gets me mad so i just tell her "yeah ok shutup"
Can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen